Gaia – Mixed Media Mythology

I won my place on the Mixed Media Mythology course through Julia Osterc and her Loving Road blog.  It was her lesson on Gaia that I tackled next.  In Greek Mythology, Gaia was one of the first gods, was the creator of Earth, and Mother of the gods and Titans among others.

Osterc’s approach to depicting Gaia was very intuitive, fluid, and organic.  That is not an approach that ever particularly rewards me.  I, therefore, took a different approach to constructing the painting.  I did, however, borrow three particular ideas from Osterc’s exemplar: the idea of Gaia as maternal or even grandmotherly, incorporating maps, and using collage elements as finishing details.

I have not drawn an elderly person for over two years so I really liked the idea of tackling the face of an older woman.  That then became the focus of my painting, getting that right. I clearly need some practice in this area but overall I am satisfied with what emerged.  I think she looks like a kindly granny.  I used a map from an old atlas as the clothing for Gaia, and I used an image of the globe from a postage stamp to become a pendant, forging that connection between her and Earth.  I used shades of green and blue for the same reason.


16 thoughts on “Gaia – Mixed Media Mythology

  1. Stunning, Laura!!! I am in awe at this creation of such a strong elder and grandmother earth. Her face fits so beautifully with the maps almost like a topographical aspect! So glad that you won the spot and have been enjoying the course. It has been a gift to me to witness your creations. 🙂 xo, Julia

  2. She is perfect! I love the wise and loving lines of her face. The map used as her clothing gave the feel of a person who grew old gracefully, with knowledge of the world, its secrets and its limitations. I love her!

  3. Laura, this is great. I love the colours and the face has some real character. It all holds together well and I especially like the maps on her blouse. It gives me a sense of a life well travelled not just through geography but through time! Well done.

  4. Pingback: Older and Wiser | A Pict in PA

  5. Pingback: 100 Faces – #14 Norma | Pict Ink

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