Meet Remus

We have expanded our family this Summer by adopting another cat. Meet Remus.

2023-07-22 19.08.07

Our youngest son is cat-obsessed but – being the fickle creatures they are – the two cats we already have favour our two middle sons. The youngest, therefore, has been campaigning for a third cat for ages and we finally relented. It didn’t take long for my son to find an appropriate cat in one of the rescue shelters he visited. Remus was found, abandoned and alone, in a field just two days before we adopted him.

2023-07-30 10.41.36-1
2023-08-04 10.03.28

We kept him in our son’s bedroom so that there was a transition period before the other cats met him. We also hoped that would help Remus form a secure and specific attachment to the cat-daft kid. I am happy to report that it seems to have worked. We are still in the early stages of all three cats getting used to each other. Remus has a lot of kitten energy for the other two to get used to and Satchi and Peanut are such besties that they can be a bit of a clique. We are, however, definitely making progress. I am hopeful that they will all become buddies with a bit more time.

2023-08-09 10.22.32
2023-08-03 09.53.15
2023-07-31 11.03.01

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