Warrior Woman

It is rare indeed for me to even watch a Life Book lesson on the day it is issued let alone start and complete the lesson on the same day.  Today, however, I accomplished just that.  Just as well as I don’t know when else this week I would get it done.  We were stuck at home base today while construction work was being done on the exterior of the house so I watched the video tutorial in bitesize chunks and then worked on the art in stages all while handling four kids and keeping an eye on the work being done outside.  I am not sure if the art added to my stress or was an antidote.  Regardless, I got it done so go me!

This week’s Life Book lesson was taken by Andrea Gomoll and the idea was to create an illustration of an Inner Warrior Princess.  The lesson involved media (watercolour and ink) with which I was comfortable and involved an illustrative style which was again in my comfort zone.  Some weeks I really appreciate being challenged and forced to try new things but this week the familiarity was very welcome.

Since I am from the Pictish Kingdom of Fife – hence the Pict in PA – I decided that my Warrior Woman would be a Pict.  That then gave me the colour scheme as I knew I would want to put some streaks of woad across the figure’s face.  I used a mixture of watercolour paint and Inktense blocks to colour my drawing and I then outlined it using my dip pen and India Ink.  She is not authentically Pictish, of course.  I was not aiming for historical accuracy.  This is very much “inspired by” instead of representational.

Week 26 - Warrior Woman

26 thoughts on “Warrior Woman

    • Thank you very much. It’s just about working quickly in the gaps in time. I’m very comfortable with watercolor and ink (which doesn’t mean I excel in those media) which probably helps me work at high speed too. That said, the background actually went wrong as I had to go and attend to something and it dried out when I had wanted to drop more color into the liquid pigment. I guess I just do what I can in the time I have and all those bursts of ten minutes soon stack up.

  1. Oh i love her Laura. I can’t imagine how you have found time to make the project and put in so much detail to your work and still deal with the chaos of summer. Brava!

    • Thank you very much, Carrie Lynn. It’s a smaller piece than usual (6″x9″) which helps. I’ve become pretty methodical at breaking pieces down into stages so as to work efficiently in the small spaces in time in my schedule. It means I’m not working in a very focused manner but at least I am keeping up with things for now.

      • And that is a wonderful thing to do for now. Maybe when school starts again, you might be able to concentrate and give more time for art. But then again, your work is already very detailed. What more if you have more time? My goodness that would be amazing.

      • Yes, things will calm down again in September and I can work in a more focused way again. I’m also going to be doing an art project with my kids later in the summer so we will be arting together – just not Life Book or DLP. 🙂

  2. I love her, and I love discovering this weeks lifebook lesson through your blog 😉 I will get there in time. Now I have got to go and look up those Pics… I’ve been wondering about that 😀

  3. Lauara, I really love how you’ve drawn on your roots in Fife for the last couple posts and, yet, you can see that life here in America has also offered your art new growth and inspiration.

  4. What fun! I keep hoping to figure out how to draw in a more illustrative style but I am not putting in the time to actual improve or figure this out… You inspire me to make time to draw!

    • I’m very flattered to have inspired you, Kit. That’s a wonderful compliment. I’ve been drawing in an illustrative style my whole life so my challenge is the opposite and is to create art in a looser, more painterly way. Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment.

  5. Wonderful. I love all the fine line work: the braid, feather, etc. Extremely stylish– has the look of an icon– which makes your work iconic!! : )

    Have you thought about creating an online store (there are plenty of host sites) and uploading your work? Your Warrior Woman would make a lovely print. Great work, Laura! : )

    • Wow! Thank you so very much, Mark. I’m bowled over by your praise. I’m actually toying with the idea of opening an Etsy store but I lack confidence. Part of my reasoning for undertaking the mixed media course was to build my confidence by trying new things.

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